About Friends of Shincliffe School (FOSS)
Friends of Shincliffe School (FOSS) is our school PTA. We raise money throughout the school year which contributes hugely to school trips, theatre productions, buying supplies such as books for the library and outdoor play equipment, not forgetting treats for the children at Christmas. We usually raise the money by having a Xmas, Easter and summer fair, a Xmas card fundraiser, a school disco each term and other ad hoc ways such as a Friday after school tuck shop and the occasional non uniform day. Of course things are currently a bit different due to Covid.
We have a committee which is comprised of Chair (Laura Knowles), Treasurer (Clare Harper) and Secretary (Clare Little / Eleanor Routledge). All teachers, parents and children are considered as being members of FOSS and we welcome new faces and ideas to help us. We extend our thanks to everyone for all the support you give.
To keep up to date with FOSS (which always involves fun things for our children), to offer hands on support or to share a good fundraising idea you can contact us on our email, foss.shincliffe@gmail.com , our Facebook page (Friends of Shincliffe School – FOSS) and information is always on the weekly school bulletin.
Further Information
For further information please contact info@shincliffe-foss.org.uk.