School Holiday Dates
Below are the holidays for Shincliffe CE Primary School which include the days the school will be closed for staff professional development.
School Holidays 2024-2025-2026
Please visit the Durham County Council website to view or download the school holidays dates for this academic year and next year for all community schools, special schools and voluntary controlled schools. Please note that voluntary aided (church) schools, foundation schools and academies may have set different dates and you should check with the school or academy to confirm their arrangements or view the PDF for schools not following the standard term and holiday dates.
Please note Shincliffe CE Primary School may have some different dates due to PD days for staff – please refer to the dates above for specific Shincliffe CE Primary School dates.
School Holidays During Term Time
The Government has amended regulations for taking holidays in term time and these new regulations come into effect from September 2013. Head Teachers are not able to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Where leave is granted, Head Teachers must decide the number of school days a child can be away from school.
If you wish to make an application for your child’s term time leave of absence, you must fill out an application form, which can be requested from school reception. The application form asks you to outline the reasons why you feel your application for leave of absence during term time should be regarded as ‘exceptional.’ Following the submission of your application, you will be notified as soon as possible of the School’s decision.
Parents / carers should be aware that if you take leave of absence during term time without making a prior application to the school, or if you make an application but your requested leave of absence is not authorised and still take the child out of school, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Similarly, if you keep your child away from school for longer than agreed / authorised, the excess absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Please contact the school if you wish to discuss this with the Headteacher.
Application for Leave of Absence during Term Time
Leave of Absense FAQ’s for Parents
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