Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.
Provision of After School Activities
Upon occasion, parents raise the issue of before and after school provision. This is something that has recently been considered by the Governing Body. As a school we are aware that offering ‘wrap-around’ before and after school care would assist many parents with their childcare arrangements. Similarly, we greatly value the current range of after school activities that we provide and the notable impact they have on both the depth and breadth of the educational experience we offer and pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
The need for teachers to use their own classrooms as spaces for planning, preparation and assessment activities both before and at the end of the school day means that the only space we have available at school is the hall and were this to be used for either before or after school care then we would be unable to offer the clubs and extra-curricular activities we currently offer. After careful consideration of the situation, therefore we intend to continue with the current provision and arrangements for before and after school clubs and activities.