Lunchtime Arrangements / School Dinners
Mid-day meals are provided at school and prepared on site. Pupils may choose to have a hot, cooked school lunch or may bring a packed lunch.
School lunches are £2.81 a day (£14.05 a week). We ask that this is paid in advance weekly, half termly or termly. School meals are paid via ParentPay.
All KS1 ( infant) children are entitled to a free school meals in accordance with the Government’s Universal Free School Meals Policy. In addition, children whose parents receive support payments are entitled to receive free school meals. If you require any further information about this please contact the Headteacher or School Secretary.
To view the school dinner menu please click on the link to the Durham County Council website and download the Chartwells School Menu.
If you chose for your child to bring a packed lunch, please ensure that this is a nutritous, balanced meal. We encourage good table manners for all children , therefore we ask that children with packed lunches eat their food as a ‘meal’ on a plate (i.e. savoury course followed by a dessert). We do not allow sweets, nuts or flavoured or fizzy drinks for packed lunches and ask you to consider alternatives to crisps and chocolate type bars on a daily basis. Drinks should be water please, and we ask that children drink from cups whcih are provided at school. For more information, please see our Packed Lunch Policy.
School Milk
Milk is offered by the school to all pupils. The milk is provided during the morning break. Milk is provided at the subsidised daily cost of 27p, around £20 a term. To register for school milk view the Cool Milk website or telephone 0844 8542913.
- School milk is free for children under the age of five
- School milk may be free to children receiving or entitled to free school meals
- School milk is subsidised for all other children in primary education
The National Fruit Scheme
The National Fruit Scheme provides a piece of fruit each School day to all pupils in KS1 (infants) . Parental consent is required and there is no charge.