As well as clubs before and after school, children are given further opportunities to represent the school in competitive sport both in curriculum time and after school.
Our children have the opportunity to participate in many different sporting competitions organised by the Durham City School Sports Partnership.
The school also actively participates in the School Games. The school has recently been awarded the Sainsbury’s School Games GOLD mark for sport. To find out more about the GOLD mark and the criteria that the school met to achieve the mark please view the School Games Mark website.
Shincliffe School provides opportunities for participation in inter- house competitions, inter-school competitions and County finals.
Swimming in context at Shincliffe C. E. Primary
At Shincliffe C.E. Primary School the children attend swimming lessons when in KS2. Presently, those lessons take place weekly (Fridays) at Brandon Primary School’s Swimming Pool. These lessons are planned in order for all children to reach the following end of KS2 swimming expectations:
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres using 2 recognised strokes.
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
The children start lessons in KS2 at the beginning of the autumn term and continue until the half term holiday in the summer term.
Then, in the final half term of the academic year (Summer 2) any children from Years 4, 5 and 6 who have not yet met the end of Key Stage 2 swimming expectations attend further lessons in order to meet these expectations. This year we have been unable to offer this opportunity to Years 4, 5 and 6 and our hence our data is based on the assessment of our current year 6 class in Year 3.
As part of the Sport Premium reporting requirements we must report the number of children at Shincliffe CE Primary School who meet the swimming expectations. At Shincliffe in 2023-24:
- 87% were able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres using 2 recognised strokes.
- 84% were able to perform a range of recognised strokes
- 94%were able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situation
As part of the Sport Premium reporting requirements we must report the number of children at Shincliffe CE Primary School who meet the swimming expectations. At Shincliffe in 2022-23:
- 71% were able to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres using 2 recognised strokes.
- 65% were able to perform a range of recognised strokes
- 81%were able to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
School Sports Partnership (SSP)
Many of our inter-school sporting events are organised by the Durham City and Chester Le Street SSP. You can find out about the SSP and view the latest results on the Durham City and Chester Le Street SSP website.
Sport Premium
Details about how we have spent our Sport Premium funding can be found in the premium allocations section of our website.
Active 30
Details of our active challenges can be found below:
- Active 30 Personal challenge KS1
- Active 30 Personal challenge Lower KS2
- Active 30 Personal challenge Upper KS2