Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education.
Relationship and Sex education is part of PSHE education. Recently the school has been reviewing our curriculum on this topic and we have been working with the Local Authority Adviser to update our policy. We held a parent consultation meeting on 4th June 2015 as we recognise that parents are the primary educators for their children when it comes to relationships and sex education and we want to work in partnership with parents to ensure that we meet the needs of our young people.
Good relationships and sex education is essential if we are to equip our children for the modern world, enabling them to make informed, healthy decisions and stay safe.
The documents below provide an overview and the more detailed curriculum outlining what we intend to cover. All topic areas will be dealt with at an age appropriate level and in a safe environment. We will endeavour to answer questions honestly and to use correct terminology for body parts as stated in the National Curriculum for Science.
This is a very important aspect of our children’s education and we would welcome any feedback from you as we progress.
Relationship and Sex Education Overview
Primary PSHE Curriculum
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