Weekly Bulletin 8th March 2024
Headteacher’s Message
It has been another busy week in school. A particular highlight was our World Book Day Celebrations where we were able to share stories and celebrate reading for pleasure as well as have some tasty hot chocolate. A number of Year 5 and 6 pupils competed in the Durham Football League on Tuesday. The children were a credit to the school and clearly demonstrated their excellent listening and teamwork skills. Work has also begun in Y3 and Y4 who are preparing for their Easter Assembly. All of these opportunities help to enrich and extend the personal development of our children and put their skills into action.
Also this week, we welcomed Councillor David Stoker to school and showed him the outdoor developments that we have made using the Neighbourhood Funding that he helped us access. We are extremely grateful for his work with us, as the funds have proved vital in updating our Secret Garden, buying equipment for outdoor play and paying for our Arctic Cabin. In addition to this, he has also helped us secure funding to develop the area we use for pick-up and drop-off, which we will work on in the coming months.
Each week I want to include a ‘snapshot’ of some of the things going on in school. For example, news from our ECO team, Worship group, V.I.P. (Very International People) and SNAG (School Nutrition Action Group). This week our focus is on Neurodiversity Week and World Book Day and updates are shared below.
Best wishes,
Mr Rumbles
Neurodiversity Week
From the 18th-22nd March, we will be celebrating Neurodiversity week in school.
When it comes to inclusion, neurodiversity refers to a world where neurological differences are recognised and respected as all other human variations. Depending on how our brains are wired we think, move, process information and communicate in different ways. Many people in our community use neurodiversity as an umbrella term used to describe alternative thinking styles such as Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and ADHD. But regardless of labels, neurodiversity is about recognising those who think differently.
At Shincliffe, we recognise that we are all different and it is important that our children can celebrate our unique and individual differences. During the week in school, pupils will learn more about neurodiversity through assemblies and various activities in class.
Please do check the posters at the end of the bulletin each week for more information about various SEND workshops and support for parents/carers and children.
Mrs Richardson
World Book Day – Reading Month
We enjoyed celebrating our love of books in school on Thursday. Mrs Short challenged us with a fun quiz in assembly, all about books and stories. The whole school then took part in lots of activities during the day – from sharing stories with other classes in school, becoming an illustrator and designing a new book cover to enjoying a hot chocolate and listening to a story in the Arctic Cabin – and lots more! The librarians would like to thank everyone for all their hard work and we really want everyone to keep on reading!
Eleanor and Autumn – Librarians
World Book Day Vouchers:
The World Book Day vouchers can also be used at the Reading Café (linked with the Scholastic Book Fair) which will be held on 25th -27th March.
Blue Peter Reading for Pleasure Application form:
As part of celebrating our love of reading, part of this week’s homework will be to complete an application form to earn a Blue Peter Reading for Pleasure Badge. The application is only open to children aged between 5 and 15, so Reception will be doing this in Year 1. The application form involves the following:
- Tell us about a book you have read and what you think about it. Maybe you liked the characters, or perhaps you enjoyed going on exciting adventures in faraway places.
- Upload your illustration of a character or a scene from the story. This could be a drawing, painting or even digital artwork.
- Let us know what other books and authors you have enjoyed reading and why.
- Get your parent or guardian to help you fill out your form and personal details.
We would like anyone who wishes to apply for a badge to return the from by Friday 15th March please.
Mrs Short
Reading Café
Our Reading Café is returning from Monday 25th March to Wednesday 27th March taking place from 2.45pm until the end of the school day. The Reading Café provides the perfect opportunity to share stories with your child in school, visit the school and browse the books in the Scholastic Book Fair. Below are the days you can attend for your child’s class:
Reception Reading Café – Monday 25th March
Year 1 & 2 Reading Café – Tuesday 26th March
KS2 Reading Café – Wednesday 27th March
FOSS Easter Coffee Afternoon – Thursday 21st March 3.30-5pm
We’re getting ready for the Easter Fair! Join us from 3.30pm to enjoy the activities with your kids. There will be an Easter Treasure Hunt, puzzles and colouring, cakes to buy and the big Easter Egg Raffle!
There will be Easter competitions for the children – details to follow.
We are looking for donations of cakes and Easter eggs that can be dropped off on the morning of the fair- any help you can give would be amazing!
Parent Helpers
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who help the school with reading, school trips, events etc. As we will soon move into the summer term the number of school trips increases across the school. If you are able to give some time to help with trips we would greatly appreciate your support. Please contact the school office.
9.30 am. Sun 10th March Mother’s Day Service at St. Mary’s. JG will be speaking and there will be children’s activities and distribution of flowers. Foodbank donations can be made at every 9.30 service.
4.00 pm Sat 24th March: Wild Church CELIDH with Chris Wagstaffe and his band, Pizzas today. Bring: a cowboy hat if you wish. To pay for the band, its £5 per adult, children free. Tickets from Julie Goodhart 0191 3869047 or Lucy Roberts or Lizzie Pexton.
4.00 p.m. Sat 13th April: Candlelit/Flare Vigil for Climate Justice Meet outside church. Activities: fire pit, refreshments, (lent pancakes), Lollipop Cards, followed by a Short service. Bring: a food donation for the foodbank.
Driving and parking around school
As you know, it is very important to us to continually try to reduce congestion near school and to promote a safe and healthy environment for our pupils, staff, parents and local residents. Maintaining good relationships with our neighbours is vitally important for our school. I would, therefore, remind you to be considerate when parking and not to block our neighbours’ driveways/access at any time or to block pavements.
For safety reasons, do not use the staff car park for pick-up and drop-off. Please drive with extreme caution and care if you do need to access Beal Walk. Beal Walk and surrounding roads do not have pavements and are often used by our children, so it is dangerous to drive whilst people are walking to and from school.
We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Diary Dates
For a full list of school holiday dates please see the school website.
Wednesday 13th March – Y2 Durham Cathedral
Wednesday 20th March – Author visit – Adam Bushnell
Thursday 21st March – Y3 and Y4 Assembly
Thursday 21st March – FOSS Easter Fair – 3.30pm-5pm
Monday 25th March – Reception Zoolab
Monday 25th – 27th March – Reading Café
Wednesday 27th March – Y4 visit to Seaham Beach
Thursday 28th March – Y2 Science Museum, Shildon
Thursday 28th March – School closes for Easter holidays
Monday 15th April – School re-opens
Thursday 2nd May – School closure, Police and Crime Commissioner elections
Monday 6th May – School closed for May bank holiday
Wednesday 8th May – Y4 Durham Cathedral
WC Monday 13th May 2023 – Y6 SATS week
Tuesday 21st May – Reception Hardwick Park
Christian Vision and Values
Our school vision is rooted in Jesus’ promise in John 10 v 10, that he has ‘come that you may have life – life in all its fullness.’ To help us understand and live out this vision we look at certain Christian values which, as a school community, we believe are important.
We are exploring the value of justice and worship will be led by Mr Rumbles, Mrs Matthews, Fr. Peter, Fr Bill and the pupils.
Some further information on this half term’s value:
Justice is . . . . . .
Looking after each other so that everyone has a fair share of what they need.
Justice and mercy are key themes of the writings of the Old Testament prophets. Biblical justice is more than fairness and equality, it is a strong bias towards the weak, the poor and the socially disadvantaged are cared for, whether they ‘deserve’ it or not. In God’s eyes every person is precious and oppression or discrimination, on any grounds, has no place. God’s justice is gracious—He always acts justly and he calls on people to do the same.
Some things to think about:
- How can we take responsibility for one another?
- How can we ensure all are treated fairly?
- How and why do we support charities in our school?
- How can we be inspired to recognise injustice in the world and think about our own role in fighting it?
‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you would like to receive a copy of the Weekly Bulletin by e-mail please e-mail the school. Shincliffece@durhamlearning.net The Weekly Bulletins from previous weeks can be found in the Parents’ section of the website.